Activity: Decide Your Data Collection Method

Once you have decided on your approach and your design frame, you can consider the different methods for gathering data. Look at the different kinds of data collection methods below and write down those that seem as if they would help you answer your research question(s). You may choose just one or more than one method.


Collecting the right amount of data is very important. Do you need lots of people to comment on 15 questions or three people to answer 5? You can answer the same question in different ways; you need to decide what works best for you and be prepared to explain your choice. Think about your question, and which options are relevant to you. Think about your time and resources, and which options are relevant to you.

For more information see Doing Online Surveys by Vera Toepoel.

It is difficult to write really good interview questions; see King and Horrocks Interviews in Qualitative Research for some more information.