Student Resources
Get to Grips
Prepare for Placement
Build Your Bibliography
Ace Your Assessment
Study Skills
Many students struggle with academic writing skills. From the basics of grammar and punctuation and sourcing and referencing material, to developing an argument and correctly structuring an essay or assignment, there are common mistakes even confident students make. Here we share a collection of top tips, advice and guidance to help you develop and master academic writing at university.
About the Book
Get to grips with the basics
Handy video links bring topics to life – from real children talking about their experiences to how to perform key procedures, and more. Also includes A&P revision sheets online.
Prepare for your placements
Qualified nurse and student voices throughout tell you what to expect in real life, backed up by realistic scenarios to help you practice how you’d respond to challenging situations. Over 20 handy placement guides online help you prepare for specific placements.