Evaluation: A Systematic Approach
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: Page, T. F., Batra, A., Ghouse, M. M., & Palmer, R. C. (2014). Implementation Cost Analysis of a Community-Based Exercise Program for Seniors in South Florida. Health Promotion Practice, 15(4), 585-591. DOI: 10.1177/1524839913518221
Summary: The objective of the study was to measure the costs of implementing the EnhanceFitness program to elderly residents of South Florida. The Health Foundation of South Florida’s Healthy Aging Regional Collaborative implemented EnhanceFitness as part of their initiative to make evidence-based healthy aging programs available to South Florida seniors
Questions to Consider:
1. How were the costs in the cost analysis collected and calculated?
2. What is the net societal cost among program participant and how was that calculated?
3. How can these results be applied to similar organizations?
Journal Article 2: Sturges, K. M. (2015). Complicity Revisited: Balancing Stakeholder Input and Roles in Evaluation Use. American Journal of Evaluation, 36(4), 461-469. DOI: 10.1177/1098214015583329
Summary: This article describes how a well-intentioned but poorly conceptualized evaluation helped perpetuate asymmetries in the generation and use of evaluation findings.
Questions to Consider:
1. How did the program fail to clarify evaluator roles?
2. Why was the failure to generate formal agreements problematic?
3. What suggestions to avoid the problems described in this article are presented?
Journal Article 3: Yampolskaya, S., Nesman, T. M., Hernandez, M. & Koch, D. (2004). Using Concept Mapping to Develop a Logic Model and Articulate a Program Theory: A Case Example. American Journal of Evaluation, 25(2), 191-207. DOI: 10.1177/109821400402500204
Summary: The utility of concept mapping for developing a program logic model and articulating a program theory for program assessment is presented using a case example of one of the mental health agencies in Florida.
The results of the concept mapping procedure enabled identification of 100 program services as described in statements by staff. Moreover, results revealed four major categories of those services and the main strategies used. This information was used to develop the first three components of a logic model. Concept maps were also used to reveal underlying assumptions built into the agency’s theoretical approach.
Questions to Consider:
1. What is a concept map and how is it developed?
2. What major categories of service and strategies used were identified?
3. How were concept maps used to reveal underlying assumptions built into the agency’s theoretical approach?