Introduction to Policing
Journal Articles
Widen your reading with these suggested journal articles. Links have been provided for SAGE journal articles, enabling you to access for free. You may have access to non-SAGE journal articles via your university library.
A useful early study examined the question of police working personality:
Balch, R.W. (1972) ‘The Police Personality: Fact or Fiction?’, The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, 63: 106-19119.
The status of a minority group among police ranks is reviewed in:
Jones, Matthew (2015) ‘Who Forgot Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Police Officers? Findings from a National Survey’, Policing, 9: 65-76.
The changing and dynamic nature of police culture is explored in Loftus’ work:
Loftus, B. (2008) ‘Dominant Culture Interrupted: Recognition, Resentment and the Politics of Change in an English Police Force’, British Journal of Criminology, 48:756-777.
An important re-appraisal of the nature and value of police sub-culture is offered by Waddington:
Waddington, P.A.J. (1999) ‘Police (Canteen) Sub-Culture – anAn Appreciation’, British Journal of Criminology, 39: 287-309.