Doing Business in Europe
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SAGE Journal Articles
Deepen your knowledge of key topics with free to access articles carefully selected by the author.
Chapter 1: Introduction: The New European Business Environment
Journal Article 1.1: Lähdesmäki, T. (2018) Founding myths of European Union Europe and the workings of power in the European Union heritage and history initiatives. European Journal of Cultural Studies.
Journal Article 1.2: Sassatelli, M. (2002) Imagined Europe: The shaping of a European cultural identity through EU cultural policy. European Journal of Social Theory, 5(4), pp. 435-451.
Journal Article 1.3: Verdier, D. and Breen, R. (2001) Europeanization and globalization: Politics against markets in the European Union. Comparative Political Studies, 34(3), pp. 227-262.
Chapter 2: Landmarks of European Integration: How History and Politics Shape the Business Environment
Journal Article 2.1: Lavery, S. (2017) ‘Defend and extend’: British business strategy, EU employment policy and the emerging politics of Brexit. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19(4), pp. 696-714.
Journal Article 2.2: Basco, R. and Bartkevičiūtė, I. (2016) Is there any room for family business into European Union 2020 Strategy? Family business and regional public policy Local Economy, 31(6), pp. 709-732.
Journal Article 2.3: Nielsen, P. (2010) What, where and why is Europe? Some answers from recent historiography. European History Quarterly, 40(4), pp. 701-713.
Chapter 3: Enlargement and the Theories of Integration
Journal Article 3.1: Dangerfield, M. (2008) The Visegrád group in the expanded European Union: From preaccession to postaccession cooperation. East European Politics and Societies, 22(3), pp. 630-667.
Journal Article 3.2: Xheneti, M., Smallbone, D. and Welter, F. (2013) EU enlargement effects on cross-border informal entrepreneurial activities. European Urban and Regional Studies, 20(3), pp. 314-328.
Journal Article 3.3: Hopkin, J. (2017) When Polanyi met Farage: Market fundamentalism, economic nationalism, and Britain’s exit from the European Union. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19(3), pp. 465-478.
Journal Article 3.4: Birchfield, V.L., Krige, J. and Young, A.R. (2017) European integration as a peace project. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19(1), pp. 3-12.
Chapter 4: Institutional Players: How the Rules and Agendas of the European Business Environment Are Set
Journal Article 4.1: Murdoch, Z. (2015) Organization theory and the study of European Union Institutions: Lessons and opportunities. Organization Studies, 36(12), pp. 1675-1692.
Journal Article 4.2: Thomson, R. (2008) National actors in international organizations: The case of the European commission. Comparative Political Studies, 41(2), pp. 169-192.
Journal Article 4.3: Crombez, C., Huysmans, M. and Van Gestel, W. (2017) Choosing an informative agenda setter: The appointment of the Commission in the European Union European Union Politics, 18(2), pp. 145-167.
Journal Article 4.4: Veen, T. (2011) The dimensionality and nature of conflict in European Union politics: On the characteristics of intergovernmental decision-making. European Union Politics, 12(1), pp. 65-86.
Journal Article 4.5: Karas, O. (2010) The future of Europe: Ongoing work on an effective counter-crisis strategy in the European parliament. European View, 9(2), pp. 181-187.
Chapter 5: The Europeanization of a Business Environment
Journal Article 5.1: Humphreys, P. (2002) Europeanisation, globalisation and policy transfer in the European Union: The case of telecommunications. Convergence, 8(2), pp. 52-79.
Journal Article 5.2: Palmowski, J. (2011) The Europeanization of the nation-state. Journal of Contemporary History, 46(3), pp. 631-657.
Journal Article 5.3: Sellar, C. and McEwen, L. (2011) A cosmopolitan analysis of the contradictions in EU regional and enlargement policies as drivers of Europeanization. European Urban and Regional Studies, 18(3), pp. 289-305.
Chapter 6: The Europeanization of Business Management
Journal Article 6.1: Busse, R., Kwon, S., Kloep, H.-A., Ghosh, K. and Warner, M. (2017) Toward a “meaningful self” at the workplace: Multinational evidence from Asia, Europe, and North America. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 25(1), pp. 63-75.
Journal Article 6.2: Kleinknecht, R.H. (2014) Employee participation in corporate governance: Implications for company resilience. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 21(1), pp. 57-72.
Journal Article 6.3: Prosser, T. (2012) Europeanization through ‘procedures and practices’? The implementation of the telework and work-related stress agreements in the UK and Denmark. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 18(4), pp. 447-460.
Journal Article 6.4: Whittall, M. (2010) The problem of national industrial relations traditions in European works councils: The example of BMW. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 31(4_suppl), pp. 70-85.
Chapter 7: European Economics, Finance and Funding
Journal Article 7.1: Salvatore, D. (2002) The Euro, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary System. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 579(1), pp. 153-167.
Journal Article 7.2: Santana-Gallego, M., Ledesma-Rodríguez, F. and Pérez-Rodríguez, J. (2015) The euro effect: Tourism creation, tourism diversion and tourism potential within the European Union. European Union Politics, 17(1), pp. 46-68.
Journal Article 7.3: Otjes, S. and van der Veer, H. (2016) The Eurozone crisis and the European Parliament’s changing lines of conflict. European Union Politics, 17(2), pp. 242-261.
Journal Article 7.4: Castañeda, J.E. (2017) ‘Euro 2.0’: A preliminary assessment of the European Banking Union and a market-oriented monetary alternative. European View, 16(1), pp. 33-43.
Chapter 8: Marketing in Europe
Journal Article 8.1: Kokkoris, I. (2017) The Google case in the EU: Is there a case? Antitrust Bulletin, 62(2), pp. 313-333.
Journal Article 8.2: Edgar, T., Huhman, M. and Miller, G.A. (2015) Understanding “place” in social marketing. A Systematic Review Social Marketing Quarterly, 21(4), pp. 230-248.
Journal Article 8.3: Žmuk, B. (2015) Selling online by European enterprises – Multivariate analysis approach. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 7(3).
Journal Article 8.4: Newman, C.L., Turri, A.M., Howlett, E. and Stokes, A. (2014) Twenty years of country-of-origin food labeling research. A review of the literature and implications for food marketing systems. Journal of Macromarketing, 34(4), pp. 505-519.
Chapter 9: European Non-Market Strategy: Lobbying the Playing Field
Journal Article 9.1: Brandl, B. and Bechter, B. (2018) The hybridization of national collective bargaining systems: The impact of the economic crisis on the transformation of collective bargaining in the European Union. Economic and Industrial Democracy, pp. 1-2.
Journal Article 9.2: Dür, A., Bernhagen, P. and Marshall, D. (2015) Interest group success in the European Union when (and why) does business lose? Comparative Political Studies, 48(8), pp. 951-983.
Journal Article 9.3: Barron, A. and Hultén, P. (2014) Exploring corporate lobbyists’ perceptions of prospective coalition partners in Brussels. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 32(6), pp. 963-981.
Chapter 10: Competing Internationally
Journal Article 10.1: Góralczyk, B. (2017) China’s Interests in Central and Eastern Europe: Enter the Dragon. European View, 16(1), pp. 153-162.
Journal Article 10.2: Bose, A.S. (2017) Why pharmaceutical exports from India to Europe grew during economic crisis? Management and Labour Studies, 42(1), pp. 39-58.
Journal Article 10.3: Prabhudesai, R.S., Prasad, Ch. V. V. S. N. V. and Chuan Ang, B. (2017) Exploring emerging Latin America: Implications for German companies using Spain as a springboard country. Global Business Review, 18(4), pp. 993-1009.
Journal Article 10.4: Richeri, G. (2016) Global film market, regional problems. Global Media and China, 1(4), pp. 312-330.