YouTube Videos

View thought-provoking promotional videos and debates personally curated by the authors.

Chapter 1: Introduction: The New European Business Environment

These videos and podcasts are chosen and suggested as a basis for constructive discussion only, and do not necessarily reflect the book authors’ or your lecturers’ opinion.

Video 1.1: Europe. Whenever you are ready

European Commission

Video 1.2: White paper – Debate on the future of Europe

European Commission

Video 1.3: Treaty of Rome: 60 year anniversary

European Parliament

Video 1.4: Four forces shaping the future of Europe

Wall Street Journal

Chapter 2: Landmarks of European Integration: How History and Politics Shape the Business Environment

These videos and podcasts are chosen and suggested as a basis for constructive discussion only, and do not necessarily reflect the book authors’ or your lecturers’ opinion.

Video 2.1: What does the EU Customs Union mean for me?

European Commission

Video 2.2: European cultural heritage: ties that bind

European Parliament

Video 2.3: The European single digital market

European Commission

Video 2.4: The EU and corporate internationalisation (workshop with corporate speakers)

Chapter 3: Enlargement and the Theories of Integration

These videos and podcasts are chosen and suggested as a basis for constructive discussion only, and do not necessarily reflect the book authors’ or your lecturers’ opinion.

Video 3.1: A visual explainer to the EU

FT World

Video 3.2: Western Balkans: The road to the EU

European Parliament

Video 3.3: EU models for a post-BREXIT UK

Punk FT

Chapter 4: Institutional Players: How the Rules and Agendas of the European Business Environment Are Set

These videos and podcasts are chosen and suggested as a basis for constructive discussion only, and do not necessarily reflect the book authors’ or your lecturers’ opinion.

Video 4.1: The EU decision-making process

European Parliament

Video 4.2: The European Commission explained – Functioning and tasks

European Commission

Video 4.3: Animation on the Council of the European Union and the European Council

Council of the European Union and the European Council

Video 4.4: Council animation decision making (EN)

Council of the European Union

Video 4.5: The European Parliament in a nutshell

European Parliament

Video 4.6: Court of Justice of the EU Annual Report Press Conference 2017 – Speech by Koen Lenaerts

Court of Justice of the European Union

Chapter 5: The Europeanization of a Business Environment

These videos and podcasts are chosen and suggested as a basis for constructive discussion only, and do not necessarily reflect the book authors’ or your lecturers’ opinion.

Video 5.1: The European Single Market

European Parliament

Video 5.2: Internal market strategy

European Commission

Video 5.3: European Integration | Model Diplomacy

Council on Foreign Relations

Video 5.4: Investment court system: New system for resolving investors–states disputes in TTIP

European Commission

Chapter 6: The Europeanization of Business Management

These videos and podcasts are chosen and suggested as a basis for constructive discussion only, and do not necessarily reflect the book authors’ or your lecturers’ opinion.

Video 6.1: How to communicate effectively in a multicultural workplace

Prof Gabriele Suder University of Melbourne, Melbourne Business School

Video 6.2: Cultural differences in business

Valerie Hoeks – TEDxHaarlem

Video 6.3: A company view: A European perspective from HR Director of Ford Europe and Chairman of the Federation of European Employers (FedEE)

Chapter 7: European Economics, Finance and Funding

These videos and podcasts are chosen and suggested as a basis for constructive discussion only, and do not necessarily reflect the book authors’ or your lecturers’ opinion.

Video 7.1: The history of the European Central Bank

European Central Bank

Video 7.2: Emerging stronger from the crisis: The European vision

European Commission

Video 7.3: An ever closer European Banking Union

Peterson Institute

Chapter 8: Marketing in Europe

These videos and podcasts are chosen and suggested as a basis for constructive discussion only, and do not necessarily reflect the book authors’ or your lecturers’ opinion.

Video 8.1: What consumers want

Joseph Pine – TED 2004

Video 8.2: How has digitalisation transformed travel marketing?


Video 8.3: Refugees find jobs at Deutsche Post DHL

Deutsche Welle


Chapter 9: European Non-Market Strategy: Lobbying the Playing Field

These videos and podcasts are chosen and suggested as a basis for constructive discussion only, and do not necessarily reflect the book authors’ or your lecturers’ opinion.

Video 9.1: What will Brexit mean for flights and the airline industry?

BBC Newsnight

Video 9.2: The power of lobbying


Video 9.3: Uber in Europe


Chapter 10: Competing Internationally

These videos and podcasts are chosen and suggested as a basis for constructive discussion only, and do not necessarily reflect the book authors’ or your lecturers’ opinion.

Video 10.1: EU trade policy explained

European Commission

Video 10.2: Clean-up for good

European Commission

Video 10.3: ‘In trade wars, there are no winners’
