Weblinks to act as supplements in your studies and provide a greater breadth of information.
Click on the following links, which will open in a new window.
For a summary of QUIPP.
Scottish government website for health.
English government website for health.
Welsh government website for health.
Northern Irish government website for health.
Buchan, J. and Seccombe, I. (2012) Overstretched. Under-resourced. The UK Nursing Labour Market Review 2012. London: RCN.
Department of Health (2012) Liberating The NHS: No Decision About Me, Without Me.
Department of Health (2014) Jeremy Hunt: Message to NHS staff one year on from Francis Report.
Francis R 2013b. Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry, Volume 3, p.1513.
‘Grumbling Appendix’ blog 29, April 2014. W(h)ither Compassion?
Health Policy Insight (2010) Editor’s blog, Thursday 18 November: NHS CE Sir David Nicholson’s speech to the NHS Alliance Conference.
House of Commons Health Committee (2013) Accountability Hearing with the Nursing and Midwifery Council, Fifth Report of Session 2013–14.
HM Treasury (2015) Policy PAPER: Summer BUDGET 2015.
NHS England (2014) Five Year Forward View.
NICE (2014) Safe Staffing for Nursing in Adult Inpatient Wards in Acute Hospitals.
NMC (2014) Code Evidence Report.
Department of Health (2013) Patients First and Foremost: The Initial Government Response to the Report of Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry.
Professional Standards Authority (2014) Response to the Nursing and Midwifery Council Consultation on a Draft Revised Code and Proposed Approach to Revalidation, p.2
RCN (2013) Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, Public Inquiry Report, Response of the Royal College of Nursing, p.8.
RCN (2014) Royal College of Nursing response to Nursing and Midwifery Council’s consultation on a draft revised code and our proposed approach to revalidation.
RCN (2015) Royal College of Nursing: Our History.
Smith, C.M. (2013) ‘Origin and uses of Premium Non Nocere – above all, do no harm!’, The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 45 (4): 371–377.
WHO Patient Safety Checklists.