Journal Articles
Preparation for transition to leadership in qualified practice
Jayne Donaldson and Mike Sabin
This paper explores the concept of leadership across ‘boundaries’ in healthcare contexts, identifying that leadership can be exercised by different members and at different levels within the teams. The authors argue that leadership is articulated through effectively managing the boundaries between: the roles of different team members; different clinical roles; formal and informal leaders; different professions.
This paper identifies nursing faculty behaviours that are aimed at reducing the ‘reality shock’ experienced by new graduate nurses as they transition from the role of student to registered nurse. The research proposes five categories of behaviour (caring, rigour, experience, knowledge, and professionalism) which are argued to support students prepare for professional practice.
This paper sets out the concepts of mutuality and empowerment in the context of the Scottish National Health system. The authors argue that the consideration and application of these concepts may enable policy makers, practitioners, and the wider public to re-evaluate and reshape ways of leading and managing care and care provision.