Weblinks to act as supplements in your studies and provide a greater breadth of information.
Click on the following links, which will open in a new window.
An example of a helpful observation exercise tool at the Institute of Healthcare Improvement.
The British Association of Dermatologists.
Department of Health (2000) The NHS Plan: A Plan for Investment, A Plan for Reform.
Department of Health (2009) The NHS Constitution for England. London: Department of Health.
Expert Patient Programme (2014) NHS Choices.
Imperial College Centre for Engagement and Simulation Science (2015) Reciprocal illumination.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (2014) Patient Care Experience Observation Exercise.
International Journal for Quality in Health Care.
Manchester Patient Safety Framework (MaPSaF) (2006 ).
NHS Choices (2014) NHS Choice Framework.
NHS Choices (2014) Expert Patient Programme.
NHS Northern Ireland (2011) Personal and Public Involvement Consultation Scheme
NHS Wales (2015) Patient Experience.
Patient and Public Involvement Solutions (2012)
Point of Care Foundation (2015) Patients as Partners in Co-design.
Rightcare (2012) Patient Decision Aids- NHS Shared Decision Making.