SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1: De Coster, S., and Cornell Zito, R. "Gender and General Strain Theory: The Gendering of Emotional Experiences and Expressions." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 26(2): 224-245.
DOI: 10.1177/1043986209359853

Article 2: Ellwanger, S.J. (2007). "Strain, Attribution, and Traffic Delinquency Among Young Drivers: Measuring and Testing General Strain Theory in the Context of Driving." Crime & Delinquency, 53(4): 523-551.
DOI: 10.1177/0011128706295991

Article 3: Kingston, B., Huizinga, D., and Elliott, D.S. (2009). "A Test of Social Disorganization Theory in High-Risk Urban Neighborhoods." Youth & Society, 41(1): 53-79.
DOI: 10.1177/0044118X09338343

Article 4: Lee, D.R., and Cohen, J.W. (2008). "Examining Strain in a School Context." Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 6(2): 115-135.
DOI: 10.1177/1541204007308430

Article 5: Murphy, D.S., and Robinson, M.B. (2008). "The Maximizer: Clarifying Merton's Theories of Anomie and Strain." Theoretical Criminology, 12(4): 1362-4806.
DOI: 10.1177/1362480608097154

Article 6: Pereira, D.V.S., Mota, C.M.M., and Andresen, M.A. (2015) “Social Disorganization and Homicide in Recife, Brazil.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
DOI: 10.1177/0306624X15623282

Article 7: Ngo, F.T. and Paternoster, R. (2016). “Toward an Understanding of the Emotional and Behavioral Reactions to Stalking: A Partial Test of General Strain Theory.” Crime and Delinquency, 62(6): 703-727.
DOI: 10.1177/0011128713510077

Article 8: Berg, M.T., Slocum, L.A., and Loeber, R. (2013). “Illegal Behavior, Neighborhood Context, and Police Reporting by Victims of Violence.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 50(1): 75-103.
DOI: 10.1177/0022427811423107