Web Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Center for Nonverbal Studies
This site is provided by a private, nonprofit research center located in Spokane, Washington. It provides a link to The Nonverbal Dictionary.

Exploring Nonverbal Communication
This site was developed at the University of California, Santa Cruz.  It includes excellent descriptions of cultural differences in interpreting nonverbals, including photos and a video.

The National Communication Association's Communication Teacher Resources Online
This site offers a wealth of links to resources supporting all areas of communication pedagogy, including nonverbal communication and links to major researchers in the field.

Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender.  The organization publishes Women and Language, an international, interdisciplinary research periodical with essays and inquiries, book reviews, bibliographies, and more.

YouTube Video: Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are
Social psychologist Amy Cuddy discusses “power posing” and how body language affects how others see us.