Supplementary readings

Additional links to content, to act as supplements in your studies and provide a broader scope of information.

Chida, Y., Hamer, M., Wardle, J. & Steptoe, A. (2008). Do stress-related psychosocial factors contribute to cancer incidence and survival? Nature Clinical Practice Oncology5, 466–475.

Dunn, G.P., Old, L.J. & Schreiber, R.D. (2004). The three Es of cancer immunoediting. Annual Review of Immunology22, 329–360.

Hayashi, M.T., Cesare, A.J., Rivera, T. & Karlseder, J. (2015). Cell death during crisis is mediated by mitotic telomere deprotection. Nature, 522, 492–496.

Pagano, J.S., Blaser, M., Buendia, M.A., Damania, B. et al.(2004). Infectious agents and cancer: criteria for a causal relation. Seminars in Cancer Biology, 14, 453–471.

Powell, N.D., Tarr, A.J. & Sheridan, J.F. (2013). Psychosocial stress and inflammation in cancer. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity30, S41–S47.

Stafford, P., Cichacz, Z., Woodbury, N.W. & Johnston, S.A. (2014). Immunosignature system for diagnosis of cancer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences111, E3072–E3080.

Subnis, U.B., Starkweather, A.R., McCain, N.L. & Brown, R.F. (2014). Psychosocial therapies for patients with cancer: a current review of interventions using psychoneuroimmunology-based outcome measures. Integrative Cancer Therapies13, 85–104.

Szyf, M. (2011). The early life social environment and DNA methylation: DNA methylation mediating the long-term impact of social environments early in life. Epigenetics, 6, 971–978.

A cancer website. The National Cancer Institute has set up a very informative web site to explain about various types of cancer and their treatments.  This ought to be a first stop for anyone interested in the topic. Explore this site for a bit and you’ll find it very informative in relation to different types of cancer and various treatments.

A catalogue of potential carcinogens. The CDC has provided a lengthy list of chemical agents that may be encountered in the workplace which can act as carcinogens.