Video and Multimedia

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Audio Resources


Video Resources

  • Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics (HD)
    This short clip explains the ultimate aim and components of Aristotle’s virtue ethics.  Moral virtues are developed through practice; intellectual virtues are developed through instruction; and cardinal virtues are virtues that work together and cannot exist on their own.
  • A Thought Experiment Regarding Virtue Ethics
    It seems that the virtue ethicist cannot distinguish one world as worse than the other, this for me is problematic because I think it should seem obvious to most that world B is the better world.  This is a thought experiment for students to consider.
  • Virtue Ethics
    This is a course presentation on Aristoelian or virtue ethics for an online ethics course.  This discusses the components of ancient Greek ethics and virtue ethics and how people should act out of spontaneous goodness.
  • Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?  Episode 10
    Part 1: The Good Citizen


Web Resources