9. Integration through Data Transformation 2: Exploratory, Blended, and Narrative Approaches

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Guest, G., & McLellan, E. (2003). Distinguishing the trees from the forest: Applying cluster analysis to thematic qualitative data. Field Methods, 15(2), 186-201. 
Recommends cluster analysis applied to qualitative data as a way of gaining a quick visual understanding of the structure of the data, to gain some distance from the data as a supplement to the closer thematic perspectives obtained through coding and coding co-occurrences.

Caracelli, V.J., & Greene, J.C. (1993). Data analysis strategies for mixed-method evaluation designs. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 15(2), 195-207. 
Explores the analytic methods used in the five integrated studies found as part of the Greene et al. (1989) analysis of 57 evaluation studies. Four approaches are described in detail: data transformation, typology development, extreme case analysis, and data consolidation or merging. Additional examples for each of these are provided from the literature.