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Business and Management
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Brunt et al: Research Methods in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management
Dahl: Social Media Marketing, 2e
de Mooij: Global Marketing & Advertising, 5e
Egan: Marketing Communications 3e
Everett: The Tourism, Hospitality and Events Student's Guide to Study and Employability
French & Gordon: Strategic Social Marketing
Gbadamosi: Contemporary Issues in Marketing
Grewal: Retail Marketing Management
Haski-Leventhal: Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
Kolb: Marketing Research, 2e
Quick: Managing Events
Raj et al: Events Management, 3e
Ridley-Duff and Bull: Understanding Social Enterprise, 3e
Ang: Research Projects for Business & Management Students 2e
Rossiter et al: Marketing Communications
Kolb: Marketing Research, 2e
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