Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Sustainable Value Creation

Welcome to the Companion website

This site is intended to enhance your use of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility, Fifth Edition by David Chandler. Please note that all the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing your understanding of the material.

Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Sustainable Value Creation, Fifth Edition, redefines corporate social responsibility (CSR) as being central to the value-creating purpose of the firm and provides a framework that firms can use to navigate the complex and dynamic business landscape. Based on a theory of empowered stakeholders, this bestselling text argues that the responsibility of a corporation is to create value, broadly defined. The primary challenge for managers today is to balance the competing interests of the firm’s stakeholders, understanding that what they expect today may not be what they will expect tomorrow. This tension is what makes CSR so demanding, but it is also what makes CSR integral to the firm’s strategy and day-to-day operations.


We gratefully acknowledge David Chandler for writing an excellent text and creating materials for this site. Special thanks are also due to Rodney Carveth of Towson University for creating the test bank.