Social Cognition: From brains to culture
Chapter 2: Dual Modes in Social Cognition
This book comes with access to the following SAGE book chapters.
For more information, take a look at some of the following additional readings
Chaiken, S., & Trope, Y. (Eds.), (1999). Dual-process theories in social psychology. New York: Guilford Press.
Gilbert, D. T. (1999). What the mind’s not. In S. Chaiken & Y. Trope (Eds.), Dual-process theories in social psychology (pp. 3–11). New York: Guilford Press.
Von Gunten, C. D., Bartholow, B. D., & Volpert, H. I. (2016). Perceiving persons: Social cognitive neuroscience approaches. In E. Harmon-Jones & M. Inzlicht (Eds.), Social neuroscience: Biological approaches to social psychology. New York: Routledge.
Wegner, D. M., Schneider, D. J., Carter, S. R., & White, T. L. (1987). Paradoxical effects of thought suppression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 5–13.