Case Studies
Planning, Piloting and Pre-Testing in Interview Studies
In this case study, the author illustrates why it is important to test your methods also when you plan a study with interviews or narratives. She outlines the process of doing a pilot study and gives examples of what occurred and which lessons she learned.
Question 1: What are the main reasons why you should do pre-test interviews when you plan a study?
Question 2: What are advantages and problems of knowing the participants of your study in advance?
An Elicitation Study: Eliciting Antisocial Beliefs Using Vignettes and Third-Person Discussions
In this case study the use of tools in doing interviews is presented and in general the idea of elicitation in interviewing.
Question 1: Is the design of this study appropriate for studying the research question and the target group?
Question 2: Is the vignette material helpful for collecting the interview data about this subject and with this target group?
Arranging and Conducting Elite Interviews: Practical Considerations
In this case study, the author describes in detail how he approached elite participants for his study in the context of political sciences. His descriptions might be helpful beyond both contexts (elites and politics).
Question 1: What are differences in the procedures described here when interviewing is done in other fields?
Question 2: What does the author show about how he prepared the actual interview (guides, questions and so on)?