SAGE Journal Articles

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Journal Link 7.1: Turner, K. B., & Johnson, J. B. (2007). The relationship between type of attorney and bail amount set for Hispanic defendants. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 29(3), 384-400.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What is the compelling reason highlighted by Tuner and Johnson (2007) to increase research on Hispanics?
  2. Why is a difference in bail depending on private or public representation concerning?
  3. In the study by Harlow (2000) what were the percentages of Whites that employed private counsel? Blacks? Hispanics?


Journal Link 7.2: Armstrong, G. S., & Kim, B. (2011). Juvenile penalties for “lawyering up”: The roe of counsel and extralegal case characteristics. Crime & Delinquency, 57(6) 827-848.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What are some of the pros of legal representation for juveniles?
  2. Why do you think juveniles may incur and counsel penalty?
  3. How does Armstrong and Kims (2011) study advance the literature of counsel disposition on decisions in juvenile court?


Journal Link 7.3: Guevara, L., Spohn, C., & Herz, D. (2004). Race, legal representation, and juvenile justice: Issues and concerns. Crime & Delinquency, 50(3), 344-371.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What did In re Gault establish?
  2. What are some of the reasons theorized by Guvara, Spohn, and Herz (2004) to explain the detriment of private counsel?
  3. Do the racial differences highlighted in this article concern you? Why or why not?