Annotated Further Reading

Maintaining dignity and managing stigma in the interview encounter: the challenge of paid-for participation

This article discusses the ethical challenges of paying for research interviews amongst an impoverished elderly study population in Australia.

Cook, K. and Nunkoosing, K. (2008) ‘Maintaining dignity and managing stigma in the interview encounter: The challenge of paid-for participation’, Qualitative Health Research, 18 (3): 418–27.


Risk to researchers in qualitative research on sensitive topics: issues and strategies

This article discusses risks faced by researchers when conducting research on sensitive topics.

Dickson-Swift, V., James, E.L., Kippen, S. and Liamputtong, P. (2008) ‘Risk to researchers in qualitative research on sensitive topics: Issues and strategies’, Qualitative Health Research, 18: 133–44.


Telling secrets, revealing lives: relational ethics in research with intimate others

This article discusses ethical challenges such as becoming friends with study participants, and how this influences reporting your findings.

Ellis, C. (2007) ‘Telling secrets, revealing lives: Relational ethics in research with intimate others’, Qualitative Inquiry, 13 (1), 3–29.


Whose data are they anyway? Practical, legal and ethical issues in archiving qualitative research data

This article highlights ethical issues related to archiving qualitative data.

Parry, O. and Mauthner, N. (2004) ‘Whose data are they anyway? Practical, legal and ethical issues in archiving qualitative research data’, Sociology, 38 (1): 139–52