Qualitative Research Methods
Second Edition
- Formulate your own research question(s) that fits the application of in-depth interviews. Why are in-depth interviews the appropriate method to apply?
- Formulate an interview guide for your own research. Check whether the interview guide, research questions and conceptual framework link to each other. Show the interview guide to a fellow researcher and discuss whether it is appropriate for in-depth interviews. Adapt the guide accordingly. Conduct two pilot interviews, and again adapt the guide accordingly.
- For your own research, how would you establish an initial rapport with the study population? How do you present yourself? Reflect on your positionality.
- Where will you conduct your interviews? What would be the ideal seating for you and the interviewees? Why?
- Take one or two of the open questions in your interview guide. How will you pose the question(s) to the interviewee? Practice with a fellow researcher and pose the questions in different styles: like a teacher, a judge, a survey researcher and a qualitative researcher.
- Conduct an interview. After the interview, reflect on how it went. Transcribe the text and share the transcript with a fellow student/researcher. Reflect together on the interview.