Answers to ‘You Decide’ Questions

7.1: The easiest way to solve this problem would be to provide funding to the public defense office. However, since we do not live in a perfect world, some other solutions might be considered. In the absence of funding options, public defense offices can rely on help from prospective lawyers and practicing lawyers that are behind on their pro bono quota. Law students could be given class credit for devoting time to public defendants or for providing legal services for those who cannot afford a lawyer.

7.2: Prosecutors should most definitely be criminally prosecuted if they break the law. This might influence their decision making in such a way that it can make them think twice before breaking the law. In fact, considering what their profession entails ethically and considering how grave consequences of their misconduct can be, prosecutors should be prosecuted more harshly as they should be held to a higher standard than the average individual.

7.3: The exclusionary rule has positive and negative connotations. I am not opposed to the exclusionary rule as it might not prevent police misconduct but it might have some deterring effect. On the other hand, the exclusionary rule does allow individuals who are guilty of misconduct to escape punishment simply because of a technicality.

7.4: Rap music should not be admissible into evidence due to artistic freedom in creating. While music lyrics do portray stories (fictional or not) they are an artistic performance and as such might bend the truth. Rap music should not be admissible into evidence if the lyrics are alluding to murder because lyrics are not formal confessions and should not be treated as such.