Answers to ‘You Decide’ Questions

3.1: The Senate should not automatically approve of a president’s nominee as the appointment is for life and there should be more than one person involved in making the decision of who gets to regulate US laws at the court of last resort. This court is used for precedent cases and as such guides much of legal life in the US. Thus there should be more people involved in the election process. It is not wrong to vote for or against someone based on their judicial philosophy as any strong judicial philosophy geared to an extreme can affect the rulings in the cases. The job of US Supreme Court Justices is not to promote their own agenda but interpret the constitutionality of a law and decision.

3.2: Judges could either uphold the law or resign. They could also advise juries about how they should decide on a case. Judges should uphold the law but they should also be in sync with public opinions without being biased. These two ideas can be contradicting at times-is a judge’s role to simply apply the law or is it to also look at aggravating and mitigating circumstances and then reach a decision after considering these outside factors?