Answers to ‘You Decide’ Questions

11.1: Contractually they should be allowed to fire her. However, considering that there are laws against discrimination based on weight, this contract might not be legally binding.

11.2: Donald Sterling was banned for life from the NBA due to the remarks he had made in a public place, where privacy cannot be expected. In order to serve as an example Sterling should be stripped of his team. I agree with the US Patent and Trademark Office’s decision to cancel the protection to the logo as it is disparaging. Racism, no matter how private or subtle, should not be supported or publically endorsed.

11.3:  The law should prohibit discrimination based on economic class. Education ought to provide equal opportunities for students, no matter their socio-economic status.

11.4: Yes, the DREAM act ought to be supported. Undocumented immigrants that were brought to the US while minors should be given the same rights as juveniles are here-juvenile court is built under the principle that looks at what is best for the child. The same should be extended to undocumented immigrants. They should be allowed to enter higher education and have access to loans and grants in order to pursue an education.

11.5: I would convict the father of premeditated and deliberate murder. His reasons for killing his daughter were not something that has occurred over night. In addition, as a parent he is responsible for the well being of his child. By bringing his daughter to the States he himself has agreed to abide by the laws of the state. Murdering someone for adapting to their new environment after being brought there by another cannot be seen as a crime committed in the heat of the moment.