SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 1: de Lancer Julnes, P. (2006). Performance measurement: An effective tool for government accountability? The debate goes on. Evaluation, 12, 219–235.
This article addresses three issues related to the use of performance measurement for the purpose of accountability: (1) the evolution of the meaning of accountability and performance measurement; (2) the claimed contributions of performance measurement; and (3) complementary forms of performance measurement and program evaluation.
Journal Article 2: Head, B. W., & Alford, J. (2015). Wicked problems: Implications for public policy and management. Administration & Society, 47, 711–739.
In Ch. 9 of the textbook, the authors state that addressing “wicked problems” is one of the main challenges for implementing performance measurement systems. This article examines the main organizational and cognitive dimensions emerging from literature on wicked problems. The authors identify several recent approaches to addressing problem complexity and stakeholder divergence, making the argument that solutions are available to address wicked problems in the public sector.
This paper, which was referenced in Ch. 9 of the textbook, draws on an empirical study of performance indicator systems in England and the Netherlands from 1982 to 2007. As the textbook authors state, this real-life example suggests that performance measurement systems that begin with formative intentions can transform into summative evaluations over time.