Multiple Choice Quizzes

Take the quiz test your understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. Try testing yourself before you read the chapter to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, then test yourself again once you’ve read the chapter to see how well you’ve understood.

1. When employing inferential statistics, which tradition within theory of science do we adhere to?

  1. Constructivism 
  2. Positivism 
  3. Hermeneutics 
  4. Interpretivism


b. Positivism

2. What is the positivist assumption?

  1. Observations and experience depend on the perspective of the observer
  2. The patterns of interest are a product of our own making
  3. That the world consists of regularities that can be measured and explained
  4. You cannot acquire knowledge from studying the world 


c. That the world consists of regularities that can be measured and explained  

3. Within probability theory, what does probability (or p-) values tell us?

  1. The probability of being wrong when we confirm a null hypothesis
  2. The probability of being correct when we reject a null hypothesis
  3. The probability of being mistaken when we reject a null hypothesis
  4. The probability of being right when we confirm a null hypothesis 


c. The probability of being mistaken when we reject a null hypothesis 

d. The probability of being right when we confirm a null hypothesis 

4. When you are investigating a full population, you are generalizing within?

  1. Stochastic model theory   
  2. Probability theory
  3. Statistical theory
  4. The law of large numbers


a. Stochastic model theory