Multiple Choice Quizzes

Take the quiz test your understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. Try testing yourself before you read the chapter to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, then test yourself again once you’ve read the chapter to see how well you’ve understood.

1. Which of the following is not the part of the exploratory factor analysis process?

  1. Extracting factors
  2. Determining the number of factors before the analysis 
  3. Rotating the factors
  4. Refining and interpreting the factors      


b. Determining the number of factors before the analysis

2. Which of the following statements is true?

  1. The correlation matrix will have 1s in the diagonals in PCA and less than 1s in EFA 
  2. The correlation matrix will have 1s in the diagonals both in PCA and EFA
  3. The correlation matrix will have less than 1s in the diagonals both in PCA and EFA   
  4. The correlation matrix will have 1s in the diagonals in EFA and less than 1 in PCA    


a. The correlation matrix will have 1s in the diagonals in PCA and less than 1s in EFA

3. Which of the following criteria cannot be used to determine the number of factors in an EFA?

  1. Asking a group of researchers before the analysis
  2. Eigenvalue rule
  3. Scree test 
  4. Parallel analysis


a. Asking a group of researchers before the analysis

4. Which of the following is not an oblique rotation technique?

  1. Promax
  2. Oblimax
  3. Varimax
  4. Quartimin


c. Varimax 

5. What will a factor loading in an orthogonal solution represent?  

  1. Correlation
  2. Partial correlation
  3. Multiple correlation 
  4. Eigenvalue                                                                                                               


a. Correlation