The Join-the-Debate activity in Chapter 7 invites you consider whether performance-based assessments should contribute to examination grades. You are also invited to evaluate the role and efficacy of performance assessments in education more generally. The additional resources below will assist you in engaging with the debate.
Selected Additional Sources
Crisp, V. (2009). Does assessing project work enhance the validity of qualifications? The case of GSCE casework. Educate, 9 (1), 16–26. Available at:
This article, which predates current GCSE reforms, looks at the validity of project work as a mode of assessment. Both strengths for validity and challenges to validity are considered.
Ofqual. (2013). Review of controlled assessments in GCSE’s. Coventry: Office of Qualifications and Examination Regulation. Available at:
See pages 3–5 for an overview of the key issues. Note, in particular, the distinction between controlled assessments and coursework.
Scottish Qualifications Authority. (2015). Guide to assessment. Dalkeith, Scotland: Author. Available at:
This volume provides strengths and weaknesses for a broad range of assessment activities, including performance-based assessments, oral tests, projects and performances.