Further Reading

Chapter 8: How to respect and protect: ethics of interviewing

This article illustrates the practices of doing ethics in interviews.

Allmark, P., Boote, J., Chambers, E., Clarke, A., McDonnell, A., Thompson, A., & Tod, A. M. (2009). Ethical Issues in the Use of In-Depth Interviews: Literature Review and Discussion. Research Ethics, 5(2), 48–54.

Chapter 9: Semi-structured interviews: Working with questions and answers

This article addresses the choice and use of languages in qualitative studies in the context of intercultural and indigenous research.

Lincoln, Y. S., & Gonzalez, G. (2008). The Search for Emerging Decolonizing Methodologies in Qualitative Research: Further Strategies for Liberatory and Democratic Inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry, 14(5), 784–805.

Chapter 10: Interviewing experts and elites

This chapter presents a focused introduction to doing expert and elite interviews for data collection.

Bogner, A., Littig, B. & Menz, W. (2018). Generating Data with Experts and Elites. In U. Flick (Ed.), The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Collection (pp. 652–67). London: Sage.

Chapter 11: Integrating narratives in interviews: Episodic interviews

In this chapter, some applications and the methodological background of the episodic interview can be found.

Flick, U. (2000). Episodic Interviewing. In M. Bauer & G. Gaskell (Eds.), Qualitative Researching with Text, Image and Sound: A Practical Handbook (pp. 75–92). London: Sage.