Multiple choice quiz

Take the quiz to test your understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. Try testing yourself before you read the chapter to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, then test yourself again once you’ve read the chapter to see how well you’ve understood.

1. The first schools were intended to train children to be:

  1. factory workers
  2. good parents
  3. scribes
  4. farmers


c. scribes

2. The first systems of writing were invented around how many years ago?

  1. 100,000 years ago
  2. 5000 years ago
  3. 3000 years ago
  4. 1000 years ago


b. 5000 years ago

3. Concrete operational reasoning shows a number of new logical properties. Which of the following is not one of these properties?

  1. reversibility
  2. assimilation
  3. negation
  4. commutativity


b. assimilation

4. Concrete operational reasoning is evident in:

  1. solving conservation tasks
  2. failing conservation tasks
  3. balancing weights on a beam
  4. considering all the possible alternatives


a. solving conservation tasks

5. Children studied in parts of the world where they do not attend school sometimes fail conservation tasks. This is probably because:

  1. they are not capable of concrete operational reasoning
  2. they have not yet achieved concrete operational reasoning
  3. they are not familiar with the experimental task
  4. schooling is necessary for a child to understand conservation


c. they are not familiar with the experimental task

6. Which of these two kinds of cognitive operations seems to be improved by schooling?

  1. logico-mathematical operations, but not infralogical operations
  2. both logico-mathematical operations and infralogical operations
  3. neither logico-mathematical operations nor infralogical operations
  4. infralogical operations, but not logico-mathematical operations


a. logico-mathematical operations, but not infralogical operations

7. Vygotsky described the higher psychological functions as those that are:

  1. deliberate but unconscious
  2. unconscious and automatic
  3. conscious and automatic
  4. deliberate and conscious


d. deliberate and conscious

8. System 1 and System 2 correspond to all except one of the following:

  1. infralogical operations and logico-mathematical operations
  2. lower psychological functions and higher psychological functions
  3. conservation tasks and classification tasks 
  4. theory of mind and object permanance


d. theory of mind and object permanance

9. The zone of proximal development is a particular case of:

  1. Vygotsky’s general genetic law of cultural development
  2. Piaget’s description of assimilation and accommodation
  3. Erikson’s emphasis on the crisis in each stage of development
  4. Freud’s distinction between conscious and unconscious processes


a. Vygotsky’s general genetic law of cultural development

10. Scribner and Cole’s research with the Vair people in Western Africa suggested that:

  1. literacy leads to a ‘restructuring’ of human cognitive functioning
  2. learning to read and write does not improve general cognitive abilities
  3. the psychological consequences of reading and writing are dramatic
  4. literacy is a flexible tool, but it transforms thinking in one distinct way


b. learning to read and write does not improve general cognitive abilities

11. Games with rules are another example of the way that children in middle childhood can now understand:

  1. conservation of liquids
  2. institutional roles
  3. fictional characters
  4. gender self-segregation


b. institutional roles

12. During middle childhood, caregivers generally assume that their child:

  1. requires continual monitoring
  2. is now capable of self-monitoring
  3. continues to lack self-control
  4. lacks common sense


b. is now capable of self-monitoring