Multiple choice quiz

Take the quiz to test your understanding of the key concepts covered in the chapter. Try testing yourself before you read the chapter to see where your strengths and weaknesses are, then test yourself again once you’ve read the chapter to see how well you’ve understood.

1. Every cell at the 8-cell stage of division of the zygote has the capacity to differentiate into any of the different types of cell in the body. We say that such cells are:

  1. totipotent
  2. multilineal
  3. in meiosis
  4. holistic


a. totipotent

2. An oocyte will normally contain 23 chromosomes.    

  1. true
  2. false


a. true

3. A zygote will normally contain 23 chromosomes.    

  1. true 
  2. false


b. false

4. The combination of sex chromosomes known as XY will generally lead to:

  1. a male baby
  2. a female baby


a. a male baby

5. What is the worldwide rate of infant mortality today?

  1. 45 deaths per 1000 births
  2. 2 per 1000
  3. 200 per 1000
  4. 340 per 1000


a. 45 deaths per 1000 births

6. What have been the main factors in reducing infant mortality?

  1. sanitation and health care
  2. birth control
  3. parental expectations
  4. genetic evolution


a. sanitation and health care

7. Which is most helpless at birth?

  1. a human baby
  2. a puppy
  3. a lizard
  4. a kitten


a. a human baby

8. What is an optimum Apgar score?

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 8
  4. 10


d. 10

9. A newborn baby has flaccid muscle tone, her breathing is slow and irregular, her toes and fingers are blue, but her heart is beating at 100 per minute and she cries vigorously,  what Apgar score would this baby receive? 

  1. 6
  2. 8
  3. 4
  4. 10


a. 6

10. Newborns can distinguish the phonemes of the language their caregivers speak.

  1. true
  2. false


b. false

11. What does it mean to say that perception is an active process?

  1. brain activity is associated with perceptual input
  2. we don’t passively receive sensory information, we actively seek it
  3. information from the senses is processed in the brain 
  4. perception guides action


b. we don’t passively receive sensory information, we actively seek it

12. The developmental niche has three subsystems. Which of these is not a subsystem?

  1. the physical and social setting
  2. historically formed customs and practices of child care
  3. the psychology of the caregivers
  4. the child’s genes


d. the child’s genes