
In the below videos, Piaget insists that he is not an empiricist or a nativist. In the labels that we use in this chapter, from which theoretical framework is he distinguishing his position?

  • Empiricism: behaviorism
  • Nativism: genetic psychology

1. Urie Bronfenbrenner & Ecological Systems Theory


2. Watson’s Little Albert experiment (En español)


3. Lecture on Genetic, Neuroscience, & Cognitive Behavioral theoretical frameworks, U. C. Berkeley


4. Steven Pinker on the cognitive revolution


5. Noam Chomsky on the cognitive revolution


6. ‘Piaget on Piaget’ (Yale University documentary, 43 minutes)


Watch the below three videos and consider the following:

In the text, we are told that Hall was a Romantic. Investigate online the movement known as Romanticism and explain what this statement means.

‘a movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century, emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual. A rejection of the rationalism that characterized the Enlightenment.’

Piaget was influenced by evolutionary theory. He drew a parallel between evolutionary change and psychological change and proposed that a child’s psychological development is a process of adaptation to the environment. However, evolutionary biologists now recognize that organisms not only adapt to their environment, they also transform that environment. Evolution is not only adaptation.

Suggest what difference that recognition could make to Piaget’s theory.

1. Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory


2. Sociocultural Theory: Black Box Videocast 4


3. At a tribute in La Jolla, CA, University of California, San Diego Professor Michael Cole speaks of his work in the Department of Communication