Welcome to the Companion website
Welcome to the companion website for Doing Qualitative Research Online, first edition, by Janet Salmons. The resources on the site have been specifically designed to support your study.
For students
- PowerPoint slides, featuring figures and tables from the book, will aid in revision and serve as a visual accompaniment to the podcasts.
- Podcasts and slides to support the podcasts give you deeper insight into key topics.
- Selected journal articles give you free access to scholarly journal articles to expand your knowledge and reinforce your learning of key topics.
- Bibliographies with both print and electronic resources provide ideas for reading further on qualitative research and e-research ethics.
For lecturers
- A course outline provides a sample syllabus that can be used in whole or in parts for a course using Doing Qualitative Research Online.
- Assignments, class activities and worksheets offer ideas and support for class projects, and help students develop through practical applications the skills discussed in the book.
- Research tips serve as handy information cheat sheets or printable in-class handouts to highlight key points.
About the book
Qualitative researchers can now connect with participants online to collect deep, rich data and generate new understandings of contemporary research phenomena. Doing Qualitative Research Online gives students and researchers the practical and scholarly foundations needed to gain digital research literacies essential for designing and conducting studies based on qualitative data collected online. The book will take a broad view of methodologies, methods and ethics, covering:
- ethical issues in research design and ethical relationships with participants
- designing online qualitative studies
- collecting qualitative data online through interviews, observations, participatory and arts-based research and a wide range of posts and documents
- analysing data and reporting findings.
Written by a scholar-practitioner in e-learning and online academia with 15 years’ experience, this book will help all those new to online research by providing a range of examples and illustrations from published research. The text and accompanying materials will offer discussion and assignment ideas for ease of adoption.
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For instructors
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