American Government: Stories of a Nation, Brief Edition
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 1. Harry and Louise
Description: Clinton’s health care initiative is killed by dramatic ads.
Video 2. I’m Just a Bill after SNL
Description: Saturday Night Live parody of a bill or an executive order.
Video 3. Of Civil Wrongs and Rights: The Fred Korematsu Story
Description: EO 9066 and a victim’s quest for justice.
News Clip 1. Obama Explains Military Strategy to Defeat ISIL
Description: Obama explains his military strategy to defeat ISIL.
News Clip 2. White House Easter Egg Roll Celebrates First Lady’s Initiatives
Description: White House Easter Egg Roll celebrates First Lady’s initiative.
News Clip 3. Recap of Obama’s Last State of the Union Address
Description: Recap of Obama’s last State of the Union address to Congress.
News Clip 4. Clinton Evaluates Potential VPs and Their Impacts on the Election
Description: Clinton evaluates potential VPs and their impacts on the election.
Web Links
Web Link 1. How Presidents Age in Office
Description: Photographs of presidents at the beginning and end of their terms.
Web Link 2: Obama Claims U.S. Drones Strikes Have Killed Up to 116 Civilians
Description: Obama acknowledges up to 116 innocents killed in drone attacks, number may be higher.
Web Link 3. George Washington
Description: Videos and other documents related to the impact of George Washington.
Web Link 4. With Malice Toward None: The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Exhibition
Description: Digital exhibit exploring the life of Abraham Lincoln.
Web Link 5. The Psychology of Barack Obama
Description: Applying the Baker Presidential Character Matrix to Obama.
Web Link 6. Washington’s Farewell Address
Description: Washington’s remarks upon ending his two terms as president.