American Government: Stories of a Nation, Brief Edition
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 1. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Supreme Court (HBO)
Description: Comedic critique of the Supreme Court’s lack of cameras and its impact on how compelling it is to the public.
News Clip 1. Recap of the Sotomayor Hearings
Description: Recap of the Sotomayor Supreme Court hearings and passage by the Senate.
News Clip 2. Paul Ryan Outlines the Partiality of Justice Ginsberg’s Comments about Trump
Description: Paul Ryan outlines the partiality of Ginsburg’s comments about Trump.
News Clip 3. Background on Public Opinions Related to Abortion Case
Description: Background on public opinions related to abortion case at the Supreme Court.
News Clip 4. Interviews on Federal Appellate Lawsuit for Same-Sex Marriage in Utah
Description: Interviews on the federal appellate lawsuit for same-sex marriage in Utah.
Web Links
Web Link 1. ‘It Was Just Awful’: The Clarence Thomas Hearings, in the Words of Those Who Were There
Description: Quotes involved in the landmark Clarence Thomas hearing for Supreme Court nomination.
Web Link 2. Marbury Versus Madison
Description: The decision written that established judicial review.
Web Link 3. Chapter I: Basic Concepts of American Jurisprudence
Description: An overview of the American legal system.
Web Link 4. Constitution Check: Did the Founders Want Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices?
Description: Using Federalist 78 and the Constitution, were Supreme Court justices to be term limited?