Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


Video 1. The Protection of Journalists In Conflict Situations--Security Council, 7450th Meeting 
Description: Security Council debates the protection of civilians in war zones including journalists.

Video 2. Getting Serious on the Net Neutrality Debate 
Description: Aspen Institute discussion of the net neutrality issue (long but worth it).

Video 3. Hungry for Power Games: Republican National Convention Edition 
Description: Stephen Colbert pranks the RNC and actually goes on stage.

Video 4. Internet Killed the Newspaper Star 
Description: Makes fun of clickbait above solid news content.

Video 5. Journalism: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 
Description: John Oliver’s humorous take on the downfall/transformation of journalism (note: bad language).

News Clip 1. Moms Come Out in Favor of Marijuana Legalization in Colorado 
Description: Moms come out in favor of marijuana legalization in Colorado.

News Clip 2. Citizen Explains Rationale for Participating in Protest 
Description: Citizen explains her rationale for participating in protest for US$15 wage.

News Clip 3. Activists and Police Leaders on Their Discussions with President Obama 
Description: BLM activists and police leaders discuss their discussions with President Obama.

News Clip 4. Bernie Sanders Addresses Barriers to Voting 
Description: Bernie Sanders addresses barriers to voting and reasons to vote for him.

Web Links

Web Link 1: U.S. Diplomacy and Yellow Journalism, 1895–1898 
Description: More from the historian of the Department of State regarding the Maine explosion and Yellow journalism.

Web Link 2. Edward R. Murrow: “A Report on Senator Joseph R. McCarthy” 
Description: Ed R. Murrow’s special against Senator McCarthy.

Web Link 3. The Kennedy-Nixon Debates 
Description: Footage and analysis of the famous Kennedy-Nixon debate.

Web Link 4. Amid Criticism, Support for Media’s “Watchdog” Role Stands Out 
Description: The press acts as a watchdog by preventing politicians from undesirably actions.