Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


Audio Link 1. United States Versus Windsor Oral Argument 
Description: The actual recording of the Scotus oral arguments of United States versus Windsor.


Video 1. Constitutional Conversation: 10th Amendment 
Description: A history of the 10th Amendment and its implications.

Video 2. Festivus Pole Hoisted in Florida Capitol Once Again 
Description: Gay Pride Festivus pole is placed in the Florida State Capitol due to Establishment Clause.

Video 3. Big Sky. Big Money 
Description: Implications of Citizens United on political speech in Montana.

Video 4. Why Are Whistleblowers Being Prosecuted as Spies? 
Description: Argues the case for whistleblowers to get a chance to explain the benefits of their leaks to the public.

Video 5. Donald Trump: We’re Going to ‘Open Up’ Libel Laws 
Description: Presidential candidate pledges to make it easier to sue the media for libel.

Video 6. Your Rights During a Traffic Stop 
Description: What your rights are in a traffic stop.

Video 7. I Want to Vote, So Why Is New York Making it So Hard for People with Disabilities? 
Description: The challenges faced by voters with disabilities when trying to register to vote.

Video 8. Separate but NOT Equal 
Description: Visit Little Rock Central High School and learn how the federal government helped integration.

Video 9. Title IX 
Description: The benefits of Title IX for women.

News Clip 1. Obama Weighs Pros and Cons of Encryption and Freedom of Speech 
Description: Obama weighs the pros and cons of encryption and freedom of speech.

News Clip 2. McDonald Versus Chicago 
Description: A description of McDonald versus Chicago.

News Clip 3. California Pier Shooting 
Description: Suspect murders but had been released due to lack of legal basis to hold him.

News Clip 4. Sotomayor Discusses the Right to Privacy 
Description: Sotomayor discusses the right to privacy as integral to the Constitution.

News Clip 5. Supreme Court Affirms the Right to Same-Sex Marriage 
Description: SCOTUS affirms the right to same-sex marriage.

Web Links

Web Link 1. Winners and Losers 
Description: Consequences and beneficiaries of marijuana legalization.

Web Link 2. 2016 World Press Freedom Index 
Description: Ranking of press freedom by country with details on each one.

Web Link 3. Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District: Kelly Shackelford on Symbolic Speech 
Description: Picture of Tinker decision “peace” arm bands.

Web Link 4. Patrick Henry’s Speech 
Description: Patrick Henry’s famous speech on liberty.

Web Link 5. NAACP Photographs Of Civil Rights Marches, Demonstrations, And Lobbying Activities To Promote Civil Rights Legislation At The National And Local Levels 
Description: First-hand pictures of the NAACP protests of the 50s and 60s.

Web Link 6. Brown Versus Board of Education 
Description: Video and associated documents with the Brown versus. Board decision.

Web Link 7. 14th Amendment, Then and Now 
Description: Assessing the impact of the 14th Amendment.

Web Link 8. International Civil Rights Walk of Fame: Rosa Parks 
Description: Rosa Parks’ life including consequences of participating in Civil Rights movement.

Web Link 9. Woman Suffrage Pickets at White House 
Description: Photo of suffrage protest at the White House in 1917.

Web Link 10. What Is the Complete Text of the Equal Rights Amendment? 
Description: The actual text of the failed ERA.