Understanding Nursing and Healthcare Research
Welcome to the companion website for Understanding Nursing and Healthcare Research by Patricia Cronin, Michael Coughlan and Valerie Smith.
This website offers a range of teaching and learning material for lecturers and students, including:
For Lecturers
Seminar plans which relate to key issues in nursing research. These can be downloaded for use in your classes or adapted to meet your own needs. The activities are based on group work or individual study.
PowerPoint slides to use in your lectures or seminars.
For Students
Multiple choice questions to test your knowledge.
Flashcard glossary of key terms in nursing and healthcare research to help you revise.
Web links related to each chapter of the book.
A Critical Appraisal Tool for use in assessments
A concise and essential guide to research for all those who are beginning their nursing and health undergraduate degrees. It gives a complete overview of the research process, from choosing research questions through to searching the literature and analysing findings.
Key features of the book are:
- Learning outcomes and key points which guide readers through the book
- Definitions of difficult terms
- Activities to help students revise and test their learning.
It will be core reading for all those on undergraduate degrees in nursing and health.
This website may contain links to both internal and external websites. All links included were active at the time the website was launched. SAGE does not operate these external websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. SAGE cannot take responsibility for the changing content or nature of linked sites, as these sites are outside of our control and subject to change without our knowledge. If you do find an inactive link to an external website, please try to locate that website by using a search engine. SAGE will endeavour to update inactive or broken links when possible.
For instructors
Access resources that are only available to Faculty and Administrative Staff.
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