SAGE Journal Articles

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Journal Article 1: Rebellon, C. J. (2012). Differential association and substance use: Assessing the roles of discriminant validity, socialization, and selection in traditional empirical tests. European Journal of Criminology, 9(1), 73-96.

Abstract: Although the correlation between personal and perceived peer substance use remains among the strongest in criminology, the discriminant validity of personal and perceived peer measures remains to be formally tested via confirmatory factor analysis. Further, only limited research has attempted to discern whether substance users seek out similar others rather than being influenced by the substance use that they perceive among their peers. Finally, research has yet to isolate, via panel analysis, the reciprocal relationship between personal substance use and perceived peer attitudes. The present study addresses each of these issues using National Youth Survey data. Results reveal that personal substance-related behavior and perceived peer behavior/attitudes bear only minimal discriminant validity and that, as predicted by Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory of Crime, selection provides a better explanation of their correlation than does socialization.

Journal Article 2Klenowski, P. M. (2012). “Learning the good with the bad”: Are occupational white-collar offenders taught how to neutralize their crimes? Criminal Justice Review, 37(4), 461-477.

Abstract: Occupational white-collar offenders are individuals who commit their offenses while in a position of trust and fiduciary responsibility within the respective company. Much has been written about their motivations and actual offenses; however, minimal empirical progress has been made determining whether the presence of an actual learning process exists that may inspire, encourage, or entice an individual to commit such crimes. Moreover, the research narrows further when attempting to determine whether a set of linguistic phrases that allows individuals to justify their crimes prior to commission may also be learned. Thus, the aim of this project was to understand the learning process behind occupational offenses, more specifically, do those we associate with provide neutralizations that may allow us to commit an occupational crime? To answer this question, 40 federally incarcerated occupational white-collar offenders were queried using semi-structured one-on-one interviews. The results indicate that there is some empirical support for the notion that neutralizing language may in fact be learned from certain groups that we interact with both on and off the job. These findings suggest that further empirical investigation is warranted.