SAGE Journal Articles

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Journal Article 1: Cook, K. J. (2016). Has criminology awakened from its “androcentric slumber”? Feminist Criminology, 11, 334–353.

Abstract: This is a decades-old question. In 1988, Daly and Chesney-Lind suggested that criminology was awakening from its “androcentric slumber” thanks to feminist critiques. This article looks at the history of criminology in terms of when gender analysis was or was not introduced; in particular, a series of “missed opportunities” concerning gender are explored the work of Sutherland and that of Cohen, Sampson, and others. In some of this classical criminological scholarship, gender was initially identified as a major cause of crime but thereafter overlooked. The article also analyzes how critical criminologists continued to under-emphasize the importance of gender despite advancing the discipline through significant examinations of social inequalities and crime. The article also turns to contemporary challenges to the mainstream that emerged from later critical and feminist criminologists who have proffered innovative advances about gender and intersectional analyses regarding crime. The article concludes with thoughts about moving feminist criminology forward toward a more intellectually diverse and complete discipline.

Journal Article 2: Chesney-Lind, M., & Chagnon, N. (2016). Criminology, gender, and race: A case study of privilege in the academy. Feminist Criminology, 11, 311–333.

Abstract: Criminology has historically exhibited a significant gender bias. Yet, spurred by feminist efforts, criminology has become more gender-inclusive recently. Research has documented this bias, and gains made by women. However, much of this research examines only gender bias, ignoring other important factors such as race. In this article, we examine gender and racial bias in criminology, conceptualizing the discipline as a Bourdieusian field, characterized by hierarchically arranged positions. We find that though women are present in nearly equal numbers to men, non-White people have a more limited presence, and White men dominate in positions endowed with the highest amounts of prestige and power.

Journal Article 3: Burgess-Proctor, A. (2006). Intersections of race, class, gender, and crime: Future directions for feminist criminology. Feminist Criminology, 1, 27–47.

Abstract: More than 30 years after the first scholarship of its kind was produced, feminist studies of crime are more commonplace than ever before. Two recent milestone events—the 20th anniversary of the American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women and Crime and the creation of this journal, the official publication of the division—provide the perfect opportunity to reflect on what lies ahead for feminist criminology. In this article, the author argues that the future of feminist criminology lies in our willingness to embrace a theoretical framework that recognizes multiple, intersecting inequalities. Specifically, the author maintains that to advance an understanding of gender, crime, and justice that achieves universal relevance and is free from the shortcomings of past ways of thinking, feminist criminologists must examine linkages between inequality and crime using an intersectional theoretical framework that is informed by multiracial feminism.