Chapter 10

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Web Resources

  • American Farmland Trust— This organization’s mission is to work to stop the loss of productive farmland and to promote farming practices that lead to a healthy environ­ment. Its site includes a current legislative agenda, conferences, tools and resources, and an online store with a publications section.
  • Congress for the New Urbanism— This organization is the primary source of information on new urbanism. It is a good source of information on new urbanism initiatives and resources.
  • Environmental Justice Foundation— This foundation provides training and educational material on environmental justice issues, primarily for communities and orga­nizations in the global South.
  • Land Trust Alliance— The Land Trust Alliance promotes voluntary land conservation and strengthens the land trust movement by providing the leadership, information, skills, and resources land trusts need to conserve land for the benefit of communities and natu­ral systems.
  • Northwest Toxic Communities Coalition— The mission of this organization is to “connect with and empower communities impacted by toxic waste and to share resources, information, and support for toxic cleanup efforts throughout the Northwest states.”
  • Scorecard— This is probably the best source of data on environmental justice issues. The website provides data on toxic chemical releases, proximity to Superfund sites, polluting facilities, and other measures of environmental quality for every community in the United States.
  • Smart Growth Network— This website provides comprehensive information on smart growth activities and databases.
  • Sprawl Busters— This unique organization is a clearinghouse for information on communities interested in stopping big box stores from locating in their area. It provides some good case studies and other related information.
  • Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse— The Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse’s mission is to make the tools, techniques, and strategies developed to manage growth, accessible to citizens, grassroots organizations, environmentalists, public officials, planners, architects, the media, and business leaders.
  • The Trust for Public Land— This is a national land trust organization working to pre­serve land, open space, gardens, greenways, and riverways.
  • Urban Land Institute— This organization’s primary interest is in land use policy and real estate development. It publishes many useful publications, such as Urban Land and Smart Growth. The institute conducts many useful workshops and conferences on a variety of land use and real estate issues.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)— The EPA website provides information and resources on environmental justice issues.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency–Green Communities— This site pro­vides a step-by-step guide for planning and implementing sustainable actions. It provides a multitude of information on tools, resources (financial, data, and other), and case studies.