Chapter 12

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Web Resources

  • Americans for the Arts— This organization calls itself “the nation’s leading non­profit organization for advancing the arts in America.”
  • Art in the Public Interest— This site provides news and information about community-based art.
  • Center for the Study of Art and Community— This center is “an asso­ciation of creative leaders from business, government and the arts who have succeeded in build­ing bridges between the arts and a wide range of community, public and private sector interests.” This center provides “expert guidance for developing artistic, educational, funding, community development and political collaborations.”
  • Creative Class— Richard Florida’s website, which provides some inter­esting background information on his theories and research.
  • Institute for Community Development and the Arts— This site provides research-based information on the role of the arts in community development.
  • The Project for Public Spaces (PPS)— This organization aims to create and sustain public spaces to build communities. PPS provides technical assistance, training, research, and other services to community clients.