Chapter 6

Test you understanding of key chapter concepts by working through the quiz below. To check your answer click on the orange arrow to the right.

1. A concept is defined as a:

  1. Descriptive or explanatory idea
  2. Property of a category
  3. Typology of a code

The correct answer is: Descriptive or explanatory idea

2. The process of coding is:

  1. Delayed until adequate data is gathered
  2. An active process
  3. A passive process

The correct answer is: An active process

3. Which of the following is essential in the coding process?

  1. Application of extant theory
  2. Constant comparative analysis
  3. Translation of the participant’s words into abstract concepts

The correct answer is: Constant comparative analysis

4. Axial coding occurs during which phase of coding?

  1. Initial
  2. Intermediate
  3. Advanced

The correct answer is: Intermediate

5. Computer software is:

  1. Useful for conduct initial analyses
  2. Not beneficial in grounded theory research
  3. Valuable for managing large quantities of data

The correct answer is: Valuable for managing large quantities of data