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Article 1
Dawn H. Davis, PhD, BCBA1, Laura D. Fredrick, PhD1, Paul A. Alberto, PhD1, and Roberto Gama, MEd (2010). Functional communication training without extinction using concurrent schedules of differing magnitudes of reinforcement in classrooms. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 14, 162–172
This article studies the effect of concurrent schedules of reinforcement that differ in magnitude of reward rather than interval between rewards. This technique has been implemented with children who have severe emotional and behavioral disorders in order to decrease inappropriate and increase appropriate behavior.
Discussion Questions:
  1. What is an extinction burst?
  2. How does concurrent schedules with differing magnitudes of reinforcement address extinction bursts?
  3. How did the magnitudes of reinforce differ in this study? How was the procedure changed as the study progressed in order to increase appropriate behavior?
Article 2
Martens, B. K., Hilt, A. M., Needham, L. R., Sutterer, J. R., Panahon, C. J., & Lannie, A. L. (2003). Carryover effects of free reinforcement on children’s work completion. Behavior Modification, 27, 560-577
This article investigates potential carryover effects of free reinforcement on solving math problems by two learning disabled students. Of interest is not only the carryover effect but also the effect during the period that reinforcers were available.
Discussion Questions:
  1. In the Introduction, what do the authors describe as the pros and cons of the effects of free reinforcement on children’s behavior? In what situations are free reinforcers good? In what situations are they bad?
  2. On what tasks and reinforcements schedules were the children assessed?
  3. What effect did free reinforcers have on the number of errors?
  4. Did these effects carry over into schedules that were contingent?