‘How to …’ guides

‘How to …’ guides have been specifically designed to help aide your understanding.

Click on the following links to download an MS Word Document guide to your computer.

Construct a chronology

Chronologies help to identify patterns of behaviour or repeated incidents of risk or concern that may be harmful and impact negatively on a child's health, safety or well-being. It should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis as an updated chronology is essential to informing the ongoing assessment of needs, risk and strengths. This helps the planning process.

Click the link below to download the ‘How to …’ guide for constructing a chronology.

› Construct a Chronology

Use genograms

The use of genograms (or family trees) is commonplace in some areas of social work practice (for instance, in fostering and adopter assessments) and their use is becoming increasingly visible in other areas (such as social work with older people).

Click the link below to download the ‘How to …’ guide for using genograms.

› Genograms


First impressions, initial contacts and introductions are crucial to establishing rapport and building the foundations of effective relationships. It is important to remember that you may be working with many different client groups and how you introduce yourself and explain your role will vary depending on the circumstances and the service users involved.

Click the link below to download the ‘How to …’ guide for introductions.

› Introductions