Video and Multimedia

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  1. The Magic of Khmer Classical Dance (TED Talk, April 2017) For more than 1,000 years, Khmer dancers in Cambodia have been seen as living bridges between heaven and earth. In this graceful dance-talk hybrid, artist Prumsodun Ok—founder of Cambodia’s first all-male and gay-identified dance company—details the rich history of Khmer classical dance and its current revival, playing the ancient and ageless role of artist as messenger.

  2. Girl Scouts Choose Transgender Girls Over $100,000 Donation (Washington Post, July 2015) The Washington Post describes how the Girls Scouts took a stand of inclusivity when they refused a substantial donation that came with a stipulation that it could not be used to support transgender girls.


  1. Trans Man Making Yoga More Accessible for LGBTQ Community (, July 2018) This article profiles Leucas Miller, the founder of Yoga Unbound, which he created to be a safe space for LGBTQ people and people of color.

  2. What It’s Like to Be a Black Yoga Teacher (Yoga Journal, April 2017) One Black woman yoga instructor shares her experience in a largely white-dominated field.

  3. How This “Fat Femme” Yoga Instructor Is Reshaping the $3 Trillion Wellness Industry (Fast Company, June 2017) Fast Company profiles Jessamyn Stanley, a self-described “fat femme” who is revolutionizing the typical images associated with yoga in the United States.

  4. The Fight for Women’s Boxing Rights (Pacific Standard Magazine, April 2015) In this article, Amelia Schonbek examines the professional challenges women boxers face in an all-male sports arena.

  5. Gender & Society: Striking Goals for Pay and Prize Parity in Sport (Gender & Society, June 2016) Cheryl Cooky explains the gender wage gap in the competitive sport of soccer.

  6. What Sells Women’s Soccer? (Contexts, June 2015) In this article, Rachel Allison explains when female athletes receive attention from mainstream mass media, the coverage often presents stereotypical depictions that undermine their athletic competence.