Statistics for Psychology: A Beginner's Guide
Your Turn Answers
Define the key terms
1. Opportunity sampling: recruiting participants that are readily available
2. Stratified sampling: matching sample characteristics to known population
3. Between-participants design: using each participant once in only one group
4. Within-participants design: using each participant in every group
5. Extraneous variables: variables that may influence results but that we are not interested in
Fill in the gaps
1. Counterbalancing is the name of the method used to control for order effects.
2. A participant whose data is quite different from the other data points could be called an outlier.
3. If two friends participate in a piece of research together, it could create an issue called non-independence.
4. Patchy coverage of the IV could increase the Type II errors.
5. The calculation used to determine a suitable number of participants is called power analysis.