Introduction to Criminology: A Text/Reader
Video and Multimedia
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Video Resources
Video 1: Crime Mapping
Description: Omaha police use a Web site to track crime trends in the city, and the public can take a look at the results, too.
Video 2: Inaccurate LAPD Crime Statistics Prompt Larger Investigation
Description: The Times’ review found LAPD misclassified nearly 1,200 serious violent crimes as minor offenses during a recent one-year period; significantly affecting reported percentages.
Audio Resources
Audio 1: Social Science Bites, Lawrence Sherman on Criminology |
Description: Social Science Bites is made in association with SAGE Publications; Lawrence Sherman, a professor of criminology at Cambridge University discusses experimental criminology.
Audio 2: New Orleans and the Hard Work of Pushing Down the Murder Rate
Description: The fact that New Orleans has been so quick this year to reach its 100th shooting victim--dead and wounded--is just one symptom of the severity of what's going on in the city as they seek to measure crime rates and determine why.