Video and Multimedia

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Video Resources

Video 1: Public Order Crime? A Boston Street Scene
Description: An undergraduate criminology course set at the University of Maine at Augusta presents video of a street scene from downtown Boston and asks students if they can spot public order crime.

Video 2: Criminal Law: Public Order and Individual Rights
Description: Explains and provides examples regarding public order crimes that involve acts that interfere with the operations of society and the ability of people to function efficiently; and relates this with individual rights.

Audio Resources

Audio 1: U.S. Behind the Curve in Drunk Driving, Author Finds
Description: Discusses drunk driving in America--and efforts to control it.

Audio 2: Survey: Americans Skeptical of Prison for Non-Violent Drug Crimes
Description: As NPR's Martin Kaste reports, a PEW survey indicates growing public skepticism about prison terms for nonviolent drug offenders.