Explaining Primary Science: A Guide to Theory and Practice
Second Edition
Using a liquid thermometer
Using a liquid thermometer
Equipment you’ll need:
For the thermometer:
- Ethanol/rubbing alcohol
- Water
- Food colouring (red)
- Test tube/clear straw
For the experiment:
- Bowl of ice and water
- Bowl of warm water
Please note that this experiment can easily be conducted using an ordinary liquid thermometer, if you are unable to make one in class.
- Mark a line on the tube of your as it rests at room temperature
- Place the thermometer in the water and ice bowl and observe the liquid drop below your room temperature mark
- Remove the thermometer from the water and ice bowl and place it in the warm water bowl
- Observe the liquid in the thermometer rise up and beyond the room temperature mark
- If you’re making your own thermometer, place a small amount of liquid in the tube and observe it’s reaction to the change in temperature